
Friday, April 5, 2013

how to get rid of back acne

Acne can appear in anywhere. Acne does not only arise in the face. Even back acne can arise section. Acne is very disturbing appearance sometimes even painful. Everyone want all the skin free from acne is not just the face alone.

arising acne on the face is certainly very disturbing appearance. So what acne on the back also interfere with performance? Acne on the back it can be hidden as it is covered by the clothes we wear. But this is not just a matter of looks or not the acne. Indeed, other people will not know if you have back acne, but only yourself will feel it themselves. Back acne usually to expend blood and pus. Of course it is so makes the sufferer very uncomfortable.

Back acne is very annoying to whoever. When you want to lean against the wall and the back of your acne will certainly cause pain as well as itching. therefore back acne should be treated promptly to avoid getting worse.

Before we discuss how to get rid of pimples on your back we will discuss the causes first. By knowing the cause back acne expected will not  get worse.

Causes of back acne

The real cause of acne on the back is the same as the cause of acne on the face. So what is the difference? Backs is an area that will be closed when we use the clothes. So acne is located place closed. During hot weather you will undoubtedly sweating. The sweat that appear on the back will surely exacerbate acne because of sweat that appear to be difficult to dry as it is covered by clothing. Also in the humid conditions will cause the bacteria to multiply rapidly.

The cause of the worsening of acne on back

Many factors can cause you always fail in curing acne on the back or you might even make it worse. Here are some things that can cause acne to get worse. Perhaps these habits often you do. So immediately stopped so as not to aggravate your back acne.

1. The wrong treatment
If you use the wrong method of treating acne certainly will become more severe. Acne treatment products is different to back care products for acne on the face. Facial skin and the skin of the back are also not the same so use the appropriate method of treatment.

2. You can not reach
Around the back is difficult to grasp. It is also one reason why acne on the back would be worse. To treat back acne we need to apply acne medicine area. If we can not reach the area of acne breakouts are certainly going to be more severe.

3. The clothes you wear
If you wear clothes that open in the back that are acne, it's not the right thing. Why? Because if your acne is not covered by clothing it will be exposed to sunlight. Sunlight is not good for acne and can aggravate acne.

4. Ignoring acne
Do not ignore the acne. immediately find a solution to cure acne. if you ignore your acne and not try to cure it, then you would make your back acne worse.

How to reduce back acne

But you should not despair because there are some simple things we can do to reduce back acne. So what should you do? The following are ways that you can do to reduce back acne.

1. Maybe you think, I've diligently shower but why do I suffer from back acne? Perhaps it is because the water you use for bathing have poor quality. What is meant by water that has poor quality is water containing zinc, magnesium, calcium, and other minerals, which can aggravate the skin and clog pores. We recommend that you use a water purification system that is used to bathe daily in order to maintain skin health.

2. Sport is the appropriate action to reduce back acne. Why? Because sweat out during exercise will help clear the skin pores. But do not forget you have to shower after exercising with water that has a good quality that dirt on the skin can be lost.

3. Clothing greatly affect your back acne. Wear clothing made ​​from natural fibers, such as cotton, linen and hemp for air circulation smoothly. Keep the clothes that you wear. Not to be used for days because it triggers the germs that cause acne.

How to get rid of  back acne safe and permanent

Back acne is notoriously difficult to treat. But that does not mean it can not to be treated. We have had a lot of creams, soaps cure acne but does all it can cure your acne permanently. Of course not. If you want to treat acne on your back you should know in advance what is the cause.

If you choose to consume antibiotics will not help other than antibiotics for acne that can cause a variety of adverse effects on health. Choosing the right method to cure acne on the back is not easy. Maybe you have spent time and money to purchase a variety of acne treatment products but these products can not help you overcome the acne on your back.

In fact it antibiotics, acne creams and acne medications can not help you to cure acne on your back permanently. You may also have tried to do a variety of methods of healing and not getting maximum results because the method made ​​less effective for you.

So what should you do to cure your back acne safely and permanently? Is there a special method to cure it? Every problem has a solution. Now you do not need to worry because you can treat acne on your back without use the acne cream, antibiotics or drugs. Acne no more is a method of healing acne is the safest and most effective. This healing method has been used by thousands of people and proven to cure acne permanently without any side effects.

With this method you will be taught step by step to treat acne. This method will cure your acne at the root cause of acne on your back. If you want to know how this method works you can visit the website below.
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